Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I am having doubts about Facebook, not that I totally bought into the site in the first place, but it has been an interesting and useful way to keep in touch with friends and relatives and for that, I am grateful. I use it to keep in touch with writing friends as well, many of whom I only know slightly but the sharing of a common interest and relevant information produces a sense of community and it’s wonderful to hear of the successes and celebrations of fellow writers.

One thing that puts me off is regular friend requests from people I’ve never heard of, people who have requested my “friendship” even though we have no friends in common. Who are these people and why would they want to befriend me? I don’t post a photo of myself so they are either attracted to my dog or flowers. My recent profile picture of two horses’ asses, I must say, hasn’t attracted any curious strangers. Maybe I should leave it up.

Another post on my news feed that made me wonder was an invitation to explore the possibility of a “romantic relationship” with women in Eastern Europe. Ah, no thanks and please go away, but I’m not sure how to make things go away on FB. I’ve been told photographs, notes, posts, etc. are there in perpetuity. Are there still babushka wearing women in foreign lands waiting for me to swing the other way?

And just recently, I’ve been included in two “groups” without being contacted first. No invitation to accept or reject. Just a notice that I’ve been added by someone else. All of a sudden, there I am, a group member. Both groups sound interesting and both have members that I respect greatly so I haven’t yet revoked my membership (is that possible) but I have hidden them from view until I can decide if what they have to offer makes it worth my while to read their multiple and repetitive daily posts.

These groups will likely end up filed away with the anonymous wannabe friends and the affectionate European women. I feel messages like these are intrusive and wish there was a little more discretion in cyberspace.

1 comment:

  1. really need to go through your security settings on facebook...I have mine locked up pretty darn tight and have non of those problems...and why would women in Eastern Europe not want are one hot mama!!!!

    but seriously...customize your security settings asap.
