Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Just one of those days...

I pick up kindergarten grandson at each day but I like to get there early and park as close as I can. This morning, it is drizzling slightly when I leave home so I wear shoes – getting a bit tired of the boots and, well, yesterday it was spring.

I park on the street beside the school, which is situated in an unholy weather vortex where, no kidding, the wind can blow, and does, from all directions at once. I open my novel and begin to read, look up a few minutes later and notice that it is snowing – heavily. Still fifteen minutes until bell time so I go back to reading.

A few minutes later, I notice that there is a blizzard blowing outside. It gets worse and worse until I can’t see the school, can’t see the houses across the street. At the height of this sudden blizzard, it is time to walk to the kindergarten door. The sidewalk, bare when I pulled up, is covered with at least three inches of slush. Wet snow whips in my face and down my neck. There are no treads whatsoever on the bottoms of my shoes.

Down I go. The only thing worse than falling down in public is hurting yourself falling down in public so I am thankful for one small blessing as I stand, unhurt except for my pride. The street is lined with new SUVs, which, unlike my Buick, scream young and yuppie. The herd of parents, mostly young moms in their trendy jackets and lulu lemons, watches me brush myself off and trudge to the door, my knees and hands soaked and muddy. (Must say that a couple did ask me if I was okay.)

Anyway, the sky is clearing as kindergarten boy and I walk back to the car, him chatting about his day, me being extremely careful not to re-enact my entrance scene. By the time child is buckled in and I start the car, the sun is breaking through. By the time we get home, the deck is almost dry.

So, what’s up with that anyway, I wonder as I rub my bruised knees? If I was inclined toward paranoia, I could feel a little picked on today.


  1. Sure glad you didn't kill yourself!!!The weather in Calgary is so quickly changable .Funny how we are all more scared to see if anyone sees us than of feeling sorry for ourselves!

  2. Psychotic weather systems, is what's up with thaat.

    Glad you weren't hurt.

