This is a survey, or maybe not. But what I want to know is –
sometimes do store specials confound you, like how is this a special? Really?
Point in question – panties. Today I found a special in a
ladies store, seven pairs of panties for $28. $4 a pair. Great deal except who
really needs a week’s worth of panties in one shot? Individually each pair cost
$8 which, I guess provides real incentive to stuff one’s drawers, pardon the
pun, and may have even been tempting if a) I needed some, and b) the colours
weren’t so hideous.
The most interesting part of the encounter was the sales
lady, who went to lengths her employer would be proud of, to convince me that I
really needed seven new pairs of panties in hideous shades of fushia and lime
green and that I didn’t want to buy the one subdued pair I liked for $8 because
that would be ripping me off. Really, she wanted to know, why on earth wouldn’t
I choose six more pair?
Turns out I put back the ones I liked and didn’t buy any but
I left the store with a weird feeling that maybe during the next laundry my
panties will all fade, develop holes, over-extended elastic, and ripped seams
and that I will forever regret not having seven new pairs of blindingly bright
underwear waiting in the wings.
I am happy with replacing my undies as necessary. And
besides, it may not matter much what goes on beneath the jeans but I don’t want
to be blinded when I get dressed in the morning.